Breaking the Fence – Learning from the giants of family therapy
20,00 €
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Therapists around the world will take great delight in this documentary in which Prof. Maurizio Andolfi shares his views on the development of system theories and family therapy through the lens of his 50 years of working & teaching in this field all over the world.
He outlines the revolutionary ideas and clinical achievements of some of the greatest innovators of this field, who shared the same beliefs & ideology that families’ pain and individual disorders can be healed through the activation of family and community resources. Using their humanity and creativity, these Masters show therapists how to “break the fence”, searching for authenticity, strengths & resilience inside families as well as in Institutional systems.
From the lounge of his apartment in Rome, Maurizio Andolfi engages in an open dialogue with his close friend and colleague Anna Mascellani , sharing intimate anecdotes and recollections of his personal and professional experience with some Giants of family therapy including Carl Whitaker, Salvador Minuchin, Mara Selvini Palazzoli and James Framo. These Master Therapists become alive through the sharing of segments of precious and unique video material of their lectures and family therapy work, inspiring the younger generation to follow their footprints.
Format USB device
Running time approx: 52 minutes
Colour / Pal
All regions
Variable Aspect Ratios
Language: English
Subtitles: English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Chinese